Work in the Age of AI/Web3

The implications of AI on the welfare of young people cannot be overstated. "By 2030, nearly 12 million Americans in occupations with shrinking demand may need to switch jobs, a McKinsey analysis published in July found." AI was deemed a key reason — McKinsey estimated that 30% of hours worked in the US could be automated by 2030, according to Business Insider. While Goldman Sachs believes 300 millions jobs could be "significantly" lost to AI technologies.

Many jobs will be lost and the wealth gap between Gen Zers and Millennials versus Baby Boomers will explode, therefore a new concept of work is required.

This new concept of the future of work must begin with coordinating skilled young people with the new type of jobs that will emerge. We are designing a new tool that will enhance the young users experience in finding roles in the Web3 space that attenuate the singularity project and Moore’s Law. This “web3 jobs” platform will enable users to seek, find, and create fulfilling roles as we transition to the fourth industrial technological age.


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Our investing platform will, likewise, enable the savvy young user to invest conscientiously in tangible goods such as real estate, land, and farms, as well as in digital tokens to supplement the insolvent social security promise.