
Micah is a social engineer with a passion for advancing the wellbeing of youth and young adults.

As the founder of YPT, he has worked in large and small NGOs and corporations, and with young people for 15+ years, and considers their professional and personal  development as paramount to their livelihood in the context of the American experiment.

Micah is a values-driven student of history and humans. He leverages his love for humanity through education in hopes of closing the knowledge gap and building the Collective Brain Trust Model

Young Pilgrim Trust is the culmination of many conversations, innovations, trainings, technological advancements, frameworks, mistakes, practices and 10,000 hours that investigated both the socio-economic, psycho-emotional and religio-political provenance of success for young people. 


  • Micah has proposed a socio-technological methodology based on Rawlsian philosophies and Bayesian tools with a splash of Arendt principles to address disinformation on social media. This model could be applied more widely particularly in solving systemic socioeconomic problems.

    This model idealized J.S. Mill’s early life concept of “flourishing” in the sense that democratizing general knowledge (truth) is a goal worthy of attaining in a well-functioning democratic society. Hannah Arendt, however, proposed that though externalizing knowledge was ideal, more often than not, furnishing “political lies” was expedient for the greater good. Mill would later adopt such sentiments (note: he lived earlier than Arendt, so to be clear, she probably appropriates his latter work).

    Nonetheless, Arendt’s argument in our project can only be considered to be beneficial if Rawls “difference principle” is applied. In other words, in times of crisis the government may effectuate national security protocols that require top brass bureaucrats (say at DoD or the State Dept.) to withhold details from the public to avoid jeopardizing the greater mission. 

  • For instance, when Pres. Obama and Sec. Clinton announced they had captured, killed, and buried Osama Bin Laden in the Arabian seas. But the sometimes classified national security interests of the Nation must always benefit all the citizenry. For as Rawls posits in his “Justice as Fairness” text -- In a liberal democracy where basic rights are equally attainable, “men agree to share one another’s fate.” Thus, in a moral society – i.e., democratic-republican morality, as stated by de Tocqueville, not religious morality – inequality may exist but only if the least disadvantaged persons: i) maintain at least an average wellbeing relative to the wealthiest citizen, and ii) are not harmed by the priviledged members of society, which could look like mono/duopolies, psychological disinformation, "Too Big to Fail" policies, corruption, and so on.

    Our practice based on this philosophy, then, is one that projects the hopes and dreams enshrined by members and summarized in the Constitution - "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" or "Money, Power, and Respect," according to the LOX from Yonkers.

    We hope you can join us on this journey - this united pilgrim's journey.


My mission as the Young Pilgrim Trust founder is to create a community where members can share knowledge and resources in an organized fashion ensuring basic liberties and opportunities that foster success are distributed equitably. 

Micah is particularly interested in the ownership + shareholder model (i.e., collective brain trust) for young adults and professionals. He hopes to create a safe space that engages progressive thought and action in the: 

  • 1. Web3 tech sector, particularly since the emergence of OpenAI's ChaptGPT-4, Anthropic's Claude3, Meta's LLAMA2, and other Artificial Human Intelligence LLMs that will disrupt the young peoples economy.

  • 2. Land, real estate, and open agriculture spaces and land trusts, to address the dire housing and food crisis young people face.

  • 3. Creative investments arena, where blockchain technology, supply logistics and distribution, IP/Trademarks, and the arts, proffer an opportunity to advance the welfare of young people.