John Rawls: A Theorist for Our Times

What is the value of a name? Well quite a lot actually beyond a superficial identifier. Young people have been herded into this notion that they are solely to defined by their group or social milieu rather than their individuality and unique persona. As a result, they’re often dragged into class, race, and gender wars debates that extract their novel ideas on these issues. We believe that the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution on Liberty, Speech, Press, Assembly, should be externalized through various means without wanton censorship.

Therefore, our concept on equality is largely based on Rawlsian thoughts on Justice and Equality, which, incidentally, aligns with the stark reality that Jesus Christ preached in Palestine 2,000 years ago: “The poor will always be with you.” In other words, ending poverty is a laudable goal but the flawed nature of humans – rich ones at that – preclude its total fulfilment on this Earth but in Heaven. So robbing Peter to pay Paul is unacceptable, promoting policies (e.g. imposing high-speed financial transactions taxes) and advancing civil and judicial actions – i.e., distributing federal/state civil settlements to the citizens – that close the wealth gap, particularly by race, gender, and age, is the most prudent path for success.

The concept of equality for the greater good is based on leveraging the collective “brain trust” of many young people with myriad good ideas for the “greatest benefit of the least-advantaged members of society.”

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